Excalibur Sword

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Dear Sir,

It is our greatest pleasure to send to you The Donald J. Trump Excalibur Sword from Camelot Castle in England.

The job and undertaking and the challenge that you have set yourself and have risen to, on behalf of the whole world, is without question the most noble and glorious work that has ever been undertaken by any man in recent decades.

It takes courage in the most extreme sense of the word and a deep spiritual well of wisdom to deliver the blows to the entrenched evil of the elite owned mainstream media and political establishment that you have and are delivering.

You have both that courage and that wisdom, and it is our hope that this sword – forged as it is from the finest steel, will bring you glory and good fortune in both your finest hours and in your most magnificent challenges.

In History, Excalibur has become a symbol of the Human Conscience.

The word conscience has an interesting root, or derivation, “con” means “with” and “science” means “knowing” in the fullest sense of the meaning. So “Con””Science” means literally “with knowing”. In essence one’s conscience is the deepest well of knowing that one can draw upon as a spiritual being.

This is why our conscience tells us instantly when we have transgressed – we know. And of course we are our own best judge, jury, and executioner.

We know that anyone of good conscience, who has truly looked with integrity at the existing actions of the elite owned media and corrupt elite owned political class, (a small group of international criminals that have been literally farming and milking the ordinary people of the USA and Europe for centuries), cannot fail to see what you are doing to reverse the criminal actions of the elite and will support you with their vote and their energy.

At the end of the day… it is a matter of Conscience.

And anyone with a good conscience will support you.

The future appointment of Supreme Court Justices is vital, but in truth what is at stake is the future survival of America as we know it.

At Camelot Castle in England, we recognised your actions as having the most positive source the very day that you announced your plans last June and our family has done whatever we can to support you and we will continue to do so.

The ordinary people of this world are sick of dishonest media and dishonest politicians.

Their venom and poisonous lies have polluted our beautiful world for way way to long.

It would be our greatest honour to be able to meet you and to shake you by the hand and to say thank you on behalf of all those oppressed souls down through the ages. Those who have tried to fight the establishment and have been knocked back by such lies and treachery.

You Sir, have given all such people a voice and it should not surprise you to know that here in Europe too, many such people welcome your call to Freedom and your promise to restore the Greatness of America. There is an excitement brewing not known for centuries.

I am sure that many such spirits, looking on and seeing the sincerity of you and your work are praying that THIS time the SWORD OF TRUTH AND CONSCIENCE will find its mark.

You are the voice for millions that have no voice of their own. You have rocked, are rocking, and will rock, the rafters of this universe for eternity.

If there is anything that we can do to be of service to you here at Camelot Castle or in Europe please do let us know.

It is our hope, that Excalibur, “The Sword of Truth and Conscience” will soon find a home in the Whitehouse. We know we are placing it in trusted hands.

Please do continue to expose and nullify the elite owned media and corrupt bought political criminal class for good.

It is our greatest wish that you will restore to America, the Safety, Prosperity, Greatness and Love with which she was created.

All our very best.

Warmest Regards,

John and Irina Mappin
Camelot Castle,

#MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump

Published by Vega

Portuguese Entrepreneur Leading a New Generation of News Reporting following the World's Great Awakening

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